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Major Search Engines

Search Engine Ratings

No rating system is completely pure and the usage statistics are constantly changing for these search engines, especially among the consolidation and re focusing of portals. Some interior site searches in the Yahoo! network are still counted as a search. Those types of searches inflate Yahoo!'s rated search distribution.

Search Engine Relationship Charts

Changing Technology...

It is fairly obvious that Google currently does control the lions share of the search market. One thing that is important to understand is that with technology nothing stays on top forever. Search as an industry is new. Google is a relatively new search service within that industry and there is no guarantee another one will not eventually take its place.

Current Top Search Engines

  • Google - Currently used by AOL, Go, Earthlink and many others. Powers over 50% of US search market.
  • Yahoo! Search - The second largest player in search. Powers ~ 40% of US search market through its sites and sites which use its technology.
  • Teoma - Search service powering Ask Jeeves. Teoma has an interesting cluster output display and also powers Ask Jeeves, Direct Hit, and ILor. Third biggest distribution among search players. Teoma powers ~ 5% of US search market.
  • MSN - Currently powered by Inktomi (Inktomi is owned by Yahoo!). MSN has ~ 15% - 20% of US search market. MSN is currently developing their own search technology.

Other Major Search Engines + Portals

  • AllTheWeb - Scandinavian born competitor to Google used on many other sites. Purchased by Overture, which was later purchased by Yahoo!. AllTheWeb is now powered from the Yahoo! Search index.
  • AltaVista - One of the first big horses in the search industry. Their brand has fallen and they were purchased by Overture. Overture was later purchased by Yahoo!. AltaVista is now powered from the Yahoo! Search index.
  • AOL - Major web portal powered by Google.
  • Ask Jeeves - Popular search site powered by Teoma. Ask Jeeves also owns Teoma and a few other portal sites.
  • Earthlink - Popular ISP and portal. Powered by Google.
  • Excite - Web portal who's meta search engine results are powered by InfoSpace.
  • GigaBlast - up and coming search engine which offers instant indexing.
  • Go - Disney's web portal, powered by Google.
  • HotBot - search engine which originally came out with Inktomi. Allows you to search any of 3 different search engines, but does not mix results.
  • InfoSpace - website which powers many major meta search engines.
  • Inktomi - Search database powering MSN and many smaller search sites.
  • LookSmart - Former directory which has evolved into a pay per click search provider. LookSmart owns the non commercial Zeal directory and the WiseNut search enine.
  • Lycos - Uses LookSmart / Inktomi results.
  • Netscape - Popular web portal owned by AOL which uses Google results
  • Overture - While actually only a PPC, through aggressive marketing and strategic relationships Overture has made itself one of the most powerful search engines in the world.
  • WiseNut - Search engine purchased by LookSmart, provides backfeed search results to LookSmart.

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Today is 10/21/24 . This file was last modified on 05/11/13