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Other Search Engines

Other Search Engines are Not That Important

Most search engines will never drive any traffic to your site.

While it is important for a search engine to be profitable so it can continue to exist, I caution you spending money for listings. Granted a Yahoo! Directory listing may be worth $299 to some (not all) people. Spending $50 for a third rate search engine is foolish.

Directories VS Search Engines

Directories are human compiled search engines. Some of them have more features than others, some are more important than others, and some have literally no value at all.

Any Search Engine Worth a Lick...

Will eventually find your site if you are listed in many directories and have many links into your site. Make sure before you pay for any directory listing that the directory is in search indexes and that it provides static links that search engines follow.

When in Doubt...

If you feel I should add another to this list please contact me. Also, if you are unsure about spending a submission fee, contact me and I will give my opinion.

Various Search Engines...

Meta search engines work by combining the results of multiple other search engines and re listing them using combined rankings.

There are also many shopping search engines such as:

BizRate Buyer's Index DealTime Froogle mySimon NextTag PriceGrabber PriceScan

here is a list of other search engines:

Aeiwi - a keyword driven directory / search engine

Bloglines - blog search engine (cool)

Buzzle - a search engine / directory with current articles from various authors about world related topics

Daypop - weblog search engine (cool)

EntireWeb - mid sized search engine not worth paying for submission into

ExactSeek - primarily searches meta tags, with an input from Alexa. extremely low quality search results.

Feedster - tracks blogs. (cool)

Internet Archives - provides snapshots of the web over time. (cool)

Invisible Web - offers access to over 10,000 search engines and sites which are not spidered by normal search engines. (cool)

Northern Light researcher tool that is to come back early next year

Nutch - open source search engine powering MozDex (cool)

OpenGov - MITs response to the Total Information Awareness policy (cool)

ScrubTheWeb - smaller search engine with an inadequate focus on web search which tries to sell you seo stuff I do not recommend

SearchHippo - mid sized search engine which displays paid and free listings. does not get much traffic but is still kinda neato

Singingfish - streaming media search engine (cool)

Technorati - blog tracking service (cool)

Vivisimo - clustering graphical search engine (cool)

Voila - the token french search engine (offers free site submission)

Walhello - Internet Search - mid sized search engine offering many smaller location specific search engines

Wondir - not for profit question and answer type search engine

Yuntis - Next generation search engine from Stony Brook.

Zerx - test search engine

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Today is 01/15/25 . This file was last modified on 05/11/13