. . . . . . . . . .

About Me


"I was thinking about you all day today and what a great person you are."

"I wanted to be #1...After 2 months I reached the top position for my most popular keywords."


Above The Fold!

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Search Engine Marketing Client Testimonials

Gregory Christeas

I am willing to help anyone who is willing to ask for it. Gregory Christeas was the first person who spoke with me (other than my neighbor knives shop.) When I first spoke with him he had a 1 page web site. Within less than a week (back then I worked full time 70+ hours beside my internet ventures) he had more than a page, he had a site. While remaining simple (as he wanted it), it was changed into a more reputable looking site with more content and has achieved top ten listings for his primary keywords in many search engines.

"I was thinking about you all day today and what a great person you are."
- Gregory Christeas (more from Gregory)

Marketing Experts

"Calling Aaron and having him run an analysis on my site was extremely helpful. I've been online for a while and already knew quite a bit about search engines, but he was able to quickly give me many specific ways to improve my ranking that I didn't know about. During our call my pen was going a mile a minute as I wrote down the recommendations I received. He also did an excellent job of explaining his recommendations so I understood why certain things needed to be done. I've added his name to my rolodex as a key resource for search engine marketing and will be calling again. The best part was he didn't try to sell me anything! He just gave me tips and help so I can improve my rank. Thank you Aaron!"
- Jason Lexell of Digital Harvest Media

"I've been more and more impressed by the quality of your writing. Your blog is now in my daily rotation."
- Dan Thies of Inside Out Marketing

"When I switch on the computer in the morning, the first thing I do is
reading Aaron Wall's SEO Book blog. He knows what he is talking about
from first-hand experience and his witty comments make me smile."
- Johannes Selbach, CEO of Axandra.com

Small Business Owners

"Thanks Aaron for all of your help. It was worth every penny ... I'm back in the Top 10 and loving it!"
- Kim of The Baby Marketplace

I congratulate you for getting us in the TOP 5. This is a significant accomplishment that undoubtedly required hard work. It takes special dedication and perseverance to get through such a demanding task. I congratulate you and wish you the best as you embark on your next challenge. Your achievement is an example to us all of how commitment and hard work pay off. Keep in touch!"
- Klaus of Paradise Maui

"Today for the first time I have an understanding of not only SEO but the internet as a whole thanks to Aaron Wall. There is more to SEO than changing title tags and more to e-commerce than building a site throwing up products. In our two hour conversation, Aaron pointed me on a new path in my business venture with realistic long term goals rather than overnight gimmicks.

He is an honest witty person with a unique understanding of SEO and the internet. Unlike others consultants I have dealt with, Aaron understands the big picture, and in business that’s what counts"
- Luke Peters of Air & Water.com

This is the first site that I found that actually gives you any real information about how things work.
- Thanks, Jeff O'

Thanks for your quick reply. First let's start with some flattery. Yours is the best site I have seen on SEO since I started researching this stuff over a year ago. Honest, no b.s., and written very well.

Larger Businesses

"Thats straigth talking. Thanx a ton."
Morten Lund, CEO & chairman Bull Guard.com

Around the Web

***********Google Algorithm Shift - as posted on google groups***********

Dear All,

Here's what's going on.... I 've tested the theory with all my sites and it all checks out to be true - too much keyword density is tripping a filter - take it down and work on link structure and you should see better rankings again...

http://www.search-marketing.info/newsletter/buyads.htm (Thanks to robert Whitehorn for the link!)
Kind regards,


Helped My Old Neighbor

The second person who contacted me was a local web designer who wanted to do a better job of promoting one of his web site. "Dr Mac" was so pleased that he had me work on his site as well as some of his clients.

I stopped into the local knife shop. His site submission to DMOZ and few other upgrades I taught him have caused his traffic to more than double in less than 2 months (free)!!!

Customer Satisfaction

I do not refer to myself as God because that would be obnoxious, but my buddy does... I think it is kinda a fun joke, but whatever...

*************Christmas Bonus Email from a Customer***************


Tomorrow will be the celebration of the birth of your only son. For I have sent
$600.00 to bring good tidings and joy.

My index page is now using SSI I believe. Check it out and tell me if I should
modify anything. Hope all is well. black hat seo...good idea. keep up the
increasing remarkableness. Try not to say otaku too much.

and Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*************End Christmas Email from Customer****************

My Ebook

"I am currently working on 5 sites...trying to get them ranked in the
search engines...gggrrrr. Anyway, I've just been looking through your site and I am also reading your ebook, and WOW! I am completely enthralled with all the information! Your site is fabulous and has some great resources! I just wanted to let you know what a wonderful thing you are offering. Thanks!!!" - Lyndee

"Very Nice Stuff Very Imformative! Thanks for the knowledge put in simple words."

"Your ebook - I am floored. It is awesome. I had no idea 1. you are such an incredible writer, 2 .you organize the topics in concise clear way for even the most uninitiated web design person, (like me). In my opinion it would make an awesome book, and make YOU quite famous in the web circle."


Thanks for the insight. I am ready your book right now, and I have not found a better, all-in-one write-up on building a good website, and seo. Amazing. I cannot put the highlighter down, and I am torn between jumping on my computer to make changes to my site every page or to keep reading your book.
Simply amazing.

It's almost like the saying "the answers are right in front of you, if you choose to see them"

Amazing. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

I would love to put a link on my site to your book. Let me know.


"Thanks Aaron. I always learn so much from you and your website."

"I read your book! AMAZING! I found it to be very informative and
a pleasure to read! You suggested that it might be boring...Hell, NO! Terrific."

"Thank you for putting all your hard earned knowledge together for the rest of us. I really appreciate it and shall use it as my reference manual from now on."

"Excellent! You've done some homework. A ton of good info and it was refreshing to see that your info relates to the entire search engine industry and is not heavily weighted toward Google. Everyone should take a look at this. Newbies should definitely look at this. I'll revisit this several times I'm sure."

"In my new site I plan to sell real, no-nonsense stuff. Your book will be one."

"Wow, Aaron, thanks a million. You made a highschool kids day."
- from a techer

learn more about my ebook

My Articles

"Truly marvelous information. As a writer myself, I know the effort, time, thought, and care that went into producing this trio. Excellent job. Good for you."

"You have some of the best articles I've ever read about SE marketing. I too am a web marketing consultant, but search isn't my specialty."

"It's not often I stop to read email articles in full from webpro but that's 2 in two days and I see they are both written by you (yesterday on submission and today on 6 tips for choosing an SEO. Very useful articles for client persuasion!"

My Feedback

"Holy Cow! I didn't expect an answer from you for several days, then BAM, I got a reply within minutes. Now that's what I call service! And more importantly, I got a direct and no non-sense answer to help boost my rankings.

Thanks for providing such a great service and great information."
- Don Kransteuber

btw -
"Got SEO Questions? Get Answers in Minutes NOT Days"
Your the only one I know who does this!
Huge USP??
Just love the honesty part of it and the truth of it.

"I am very thankful for SEO professionals such as yourself. You promote great products that are no nonsense and you are a person of integrity as I have seen thus far. ... Thank you once again for providing such great information and a quick response time to my queries."
- Brett

"I just wanted to say -- WOW -- thanks for the fast response! And on a
weekend, no less! I'm impressed."

"I was searching the net to find marketing techniques for my site and I think your amazing. Your about the only site on the net that has such great information that's FREE!
Well to keep it short but sweet I have to thank you for your information and work. Also are you still single? :) I'm also 24, smart, pretty and single. Sorry... did I get too personal ;) Don't mind me I just think you seem like such a great guy. Well I wish you all the luck in this business."
- Laura

"Wow! talk about responsive! 2AM (USA) and there you are!"
- Jim

"I just wanted to let you know, you seem to be a class act. It's very rare
that I get such a rapid and candid response from an internet professional.
You seem very sincere and dedicated to your craft. It's refreshing to come
across that trait in a person. I don't see enough of it these days."
- Andrew

"I thought I'd go to sleep, and with luck get a response later today/tomorrow. Man, nice to see this level of response!"

"You strike me as the most genuinely helpful guy out there......well done."

My Newsletter

"Your newsletter is impossible not to read .. well done, and thank you."
- Ross

On my newsletter "Another Great Newsletter !
You always seem to keep me entertained with your info.
Anyways, I just wanted to write and give you some feedback and let you
know I enjoy your news.
Thanks again"
- Frank

"i read your newletter every time it comes out!! Awesome job by the way"

"Thanks for your excellent newsletter."

"Aaron, you have MADE my weekend!
Seriously. You rock"

More Feedback

"Just wanted to say you have an awesome site with very useful information. Just signed up for your newsletter. Thanks! "

"Thank you sooo very much for you advice. It was incredibly refreshing to recieve such a complete and personal response. Blessings to you always!"
- Roberta


Hi, I just wanted to write you little note to tell you that I like and trust your site. I just found it and have been using it for hours..lol. I'm going to try mysel in affiliate programs and found your site to be helpful and trustworthy. Oh and nice photo too ;) "

"Hey Aaron
Am loving discovering all your stuff like SEO Book , Black Hat SEO and this site. I love that you're open about what you write about rather than cast an air of secrecy and supremecy all too often encountered on some of the holier than thou boards around too. Makes a refreshing change. Keep up the good work mate
All the best"


Your site is the most unbiased written page I've seen. And I thank you for the links and great information...If only there where more educated, honest people out there...My job would be allot easer..

**** awesome email I got a carbon copy of ***


As usual, it was great speaking with you today however, if you are considering any type of SEO service.... I highly recommend Aaron Wall

Aaron is knowledgeable, published, thoughtful, meticulous and you will find
him reasonable.

Here is his site

Contact him via e-mail - I am certain he can work out something within reasonable budgetary guidelines.

Speak to you soon....

Anthony R Califano
www.Boardroom Ties.com

************ end awesome email ************

thanks sooo much. we appreciate all the shared knowledge a lot. however, as you emphasized, to implement all of it means hours and hours of work. will start easy with the links and hawaii big island page and see where that gets me. might try my other sites first and see what happens. you are a great guy and we would love to have you as a guest (willing to trade some more wizard knowledge for your stay!) good luck for your business as well. a hui hou (till later). heidi and keoki of aloha cottages

"Way to go Aaron, you are the kind of guy that makes the world a great place to live. God bless you."

Me on the Radio

I listened to your talk on esl radio just now (I missed the live chat, wsradio rebroadcast today), it's great,

My Blog

I've been enjoying your blog at seobook.com for months. Good stuff. I like the short, punchy style.

keep on going your excellent work on your website!
(it's my personal and one-and-only SEO guide)

My Second Customer

Here is what another person I helped out had to say. I admit it looks like I wrote it. He was so happy with my services that he is taking me to Las Vegas for the new year.

I wanted to be #1. I was willing to work hard and wanted someone for advice and guidance. I posted a message on a search engine forum and Aaron was one of the first to reply. His professionalism and competence was apparent in his message so I decided to employ his services. After 2 months I reached the top position for my most popular keywords. My competators pay over $1.50 for this same top position in Overture! He stays on top of the latest changes and trends of all search engines and He has has quick and easy correspondence. If you want to be on top, go with Aaron!

While I will not guarantee results before I see your site (if I did it would indicate a problem) I will help anyone who is willing to pay a meager rate and will directly help as many people as I can until my popularity grows to a level where this is no longer sustainable. (this point seems to be comming soon)

enough about me, lets talk about your site!

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