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Search Marketing Info FAQ's

Who is Behind this Website?

Aaron Wall. I also have a few blogs. More info on me here.

Why does this Site Exist?

When I wanted to learn about SEO there was a bunch of conflicting and often incorrect data everywhere. I did not know one thing from the other. That sucked.

This site is an attempt to have correct information that is up to date.

What Makes this Site Better than Other SEO Sites?

  • Selling: other than selling my ebook (ad on the right side of the page) I try not to focus the site on selling. The site is focused on helping you out as best I can.
  • Honesty: I put most of the best info I know on this site.
  • Not Outdated Garbage: Some pages may perhaps get a bit dated because I try to make my blog / ebook at SEO Book my first priority. I did however decide to add a last modified date include in the page footer. This will tell you when I last updated the page. When in doubt ask me.
  • Availability: As of writing this right now just a few minutes ago I got an email from Tim Berners-Lee (the guy who created the WWW). If he has time to send me a quick email then likely I have time to send you one.

    If you think any of my pages are outdated or confusing you have a few options.
    • Trust that it is accurate and that you fully understand it <--- I do not recommend doing this.
    • Send me an email and I will review that page or answer your particular questions.
    • Go to the SEO forums listed below in the contact section. Those all have good people who can answer your questions. You may want to try multiple forums so you can get a few different opinions.

How Much do You Charge? What Services do You Offer?

I am available to hopefully answer most any question you may have related to SEO. I try hard to learn about many other aspects of the web because no idea on the web is an island. To be a good SEO you need to also know about many other topics.

  • Packages: There is no package deal. Package deal SEO is usually garbage. You should get the best value for your money, not some random package I decide to throw together.

    It would make no sense for me to provide a package before knowing about your site. Package deal SEO is like a MAACO. It may be cheap, but its probably not going to be some of the better stuff on the market.

    Good SEO is not about automation, its about attention to your needs and focused work on your site.
  • Ebook: My ebook is only $79 with free lifetime updates. Its also completely free for qualifying charities, open source software developers, and schools. Contact me with your details if you need a free copy.

    If you later want other services the price of the ebook is deducted from your bill.
  • Consulting: $500 / hour. No extended sales pitch crap. We can talk about SEO and whatever else interests you.

Are There Other Resources You Recommend?

I try my best to do that throughout the site. The section on search engines will perhaps link out to the latest reviews and ratings. The section on PageRank will link out to the official PageRank paper. I also gave super short reviews of a bunch of good books (not to be confused with The Good Book) here.

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