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About Me


"I was thinking about you all day today and what a great person you are."

"I wanted to be #1...After 2 months I reached the top position for my most popular keywords."


Above The Fold!

We Value Privacy

Search Marketing & Website Consultation

Help With Your Site!

The hardest part of effective search engine marketing is finding a reliable current source of information.

"Thats straigth talking. Thanx a ton."
Morten Lund, CEO & chairman Bull Guard.com

Why Hire a Consultant?

SEO is a time demanding project. Most of the best SEO's have demand that far exceeds the work they can do with their own two hands. Once I got to this point I primarily shifted to being a consultant.

Most people can not afford to have the best SEO's work on their site. Most people can afford to talk to one of the best for an hour or two. Usually just a few hours of consultation and a little elbow grease are all it takes rank well.

What all do you get?

  • Feedback on how to improve your rankings...including keyword selection help, link building help, and page optimization help...if it's related to search, I can help.
  • No sales pitch. Since I have many of my own sites and already work for a number of people I am not actively looking to bring on more clients.
    "Calling Aaron and having him run an analysis on my site was extremely helpful. I've been online for a while and already knew quite a bit about search engines, but he was able to quickly give me many specific ways to improve my ranking that I didn't know about.

    During our call my pen was going a mile a minute as I wrote down the recommendations I received. He also did an excellent job of explaining his recommendations so I understood why certain things needed to be done.

    I've added his name to my rolodex as a key resource for search engine marketing and will be calling again. The best part was he didn't try to sell me anything! He just gave me tips and help so I can improve my rank. Thank you Aaron!"
    - Jason Lexell, Owner of Digital Harvest Media
  • All paying customers get a free lifetime subscription to my regularly updated ebook.

    "Thanks for the insight. I am ready your book right now, and I have not found a better, all-in-one write-up on building a good website, and seo. Amazing. I cannot put the highlighter down, and I am torn between jumping on my computer to make changes to my site every page or to keep reading your book.
    Simply amazing.

    It's almost like the saying "the answers are right in front of you, if you choose to see them"

    Amazing. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You."
    more testimonials

  • You do not need to pay an SEO firm ongoing fees. If your search engine rankings ever drop in the future you will know how to improve your rankings.

If you have any questions you can feel free to email me or call. I will answer quick questions free and will schedule your in depth site analysis and consultation when it is convenient for you. It is rare that I ever take anywhere near a full day to respond. My cell phone number is listed below. Call today to start learning.

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