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Expired Yahoo! Listed Domains

Why the Yahoo! Directory Charges Fees

Yahoo! is one of the two most widely used directories of the internet. Though the directory is a great service, maintaining such a large directory has costs associated with it. A few years ago Yahoo! began to charge a one time $299 fee to list commercial web sites in the Yahoo! Directory.

Recurring Yahoo! Directory Costs

Yahoo! more recently switched this $299 fee to a recurring basis. Yahoo! created an industry of people trying to sell expired domains. While the concept is great, it rarely pays off.

Why Buying Expired Yahoo! Domains is a Waste of Money

Most people searching for Yahoo! listed domains or DMOZ listed domains get lists of what is soon expiring. Those who can afford to make money of expired domains do, but most people do not have the assets to make real money off of the Yahoo! listed domains.

Many expired domain experts have scripts which search out in advance and procure expiring domains. Even if you find a great one, those that are are worth owning usually are bought up quickly by more advanced software and placed on auction. Open market forces dictate that the best domains will never be available cheap.

Yahoo! also tracks some of these URL's and deletes some of them as they expire. Sometimes you may buy a Yahoo! listed domain just in time for it to expire on you or have the domain expire during transfer.

Let us not forget that rarely will you find a domain that:

  • has the exact name you want
  • is listed in the proper Yahoo! Directory subject
  • is an expiring domain
  • has been listed in the Yahoo! Directory for years
  • has great anchor text
  • is not already procured by another source

Search Engines VS Directories

Most people no longer use directories so the traffic from the Yahoo! Directory is negligable as compared to search referals. If the site is listed in a category other than one that represents your site then you will confuse clustering search engines and it won't aid your site that much. Also, the anchor text will most likely not match exactly what your business needs.

Focus on What You are Good At

If you write good content on something you are an expert at, people will find you. It takes a ton of learning to become an expert though. The time wasted looking for a Yahoo! listed domain could be spent learning more or performing site upgrades.

If something has already expired once, it is a hard shot to think that we can put something unrelated to an original failure and have it's mis-titled listing have anything positive to do with our future success.

Expired Domains External Resources

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Filepath: http://www.search-marketing.info /directories/expired-yahoo.htm
Today is 10/21/24 . This file was last modified on 05/11/13