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WordTracker - keyword suggestonOptimize Each Web Page
Why Each Page Is Important
The link to this page was the only bold link from the organic listing page, why? Many people want an entire site optimize and view optimization as a coat of paint you put on the site. It is not. Each and every single page of a site is important an unique. With that being said, you should have unique content, titles, and tags on each page.
Problems With Only Worrying About Search Engines
Most people who try too hard to optimize for search engines write poor reading copy. The most frequently overlooked thing in web site optimization is not the title tag, or meta tags, but is usually the actual page copy.
Keyword Density
To optimize each page you should have the terms you want to list well on many times on each page. The terms for page a will likely be different from the terms on page b. Understanding this is what will help you optimize each web page.
I do not fret keyword density much though. I know if my keywords are in the body copy, headers, sub headers, inbound links, and page title I will probably rank well. For competitive terms I will need to build a linking campaign for my page or site.
Where to Place Keywords
All the tags should be different, and so should the copy, but we should not forget the simple things.
- Page title - extremely important. Place your primary keywords at the beginning of the page title.
- Meta description - throw a couple different variations of your keywords in the description.
- Meta keywords - misspellings and synonyms.
- Basic body text - key phrases listed more than once on the page .
- Heading tags - get key phrases in you heading tags. Usually the best way to design a page is to use a main heading, and then sub headings before every paragraph or two. this improves the scanability of the site and the keyword density.
- Images - use alt tags and title tags to describe the images to search engines.
- Using bulleted lists makes it easy to improve the keyword density and readability of a webpage.
- Using the keywords in text links is very powerful in manipulating search engine results.
SEO Copywriting
Jill Whalen wrote an eBook The Nitty Gritty of Search Engine Optimization ($49) about how to do SEO copy editing. The basic concepts of website copywriting are to not be generic and spread the keywords about. She discusses the topic more in depth than this page does. If you are struggling to see what I am talking about this could be a great report. Jill does a great job of keeping it simple and not writing over people in this quick eBook.
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