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Page Title Tag Search Engine Optimization

The Page Title

The title tag is supported by all search engines. It is viewed as the most one of the most important elements in SEO. The page title is the first thing search spiders and searchers see. When you conduct a search the title tag is the blue underlined words that you click on to visit a site. The title for a web page also appears at the top of the web browser.

Page Title VS Other Meta Tags

Not all search engines use the meta keyword tag, and many do not display the meta description tag. Those tags have lost most of their relevancy in the past few years. The page title remains extremely important.

Why the Page Title is so Important

You are guaranteed that the title tag will be displayed though, and for that reason it is the most important tag. Search engines factor page titles into their algorithm very heavily. Here is an example of what this page could look like in search results.

Example Search Engine Listing

Page Title Tag Search Engine Optimization <-- this is the title tag

Learn how to properly create and optimize page title tags.. <-- this is the meta description tag (note: this could also be a page abstract; some search engines display both page abstract and the meta description)

http://www.search-marketing.info/meta-tags/meta-title.htm <-- this is the page location

Title Tag Format:

The meta title tag is the area between the head tags inside the title brackets <title> Page Title Tag Search Engine Optimization</title>

Page Title Tips

Important tips for good page title tags:

  • use keywords in your page title tag
  • try to make the page title tag appealing to both the user and search engines since it is the first thing each will see
  • do not use your company name unless you are an extremely popular company (ie "Nike" "Amazon" ...)
  • if you must use your company name in the page title tag, it is better to place it at the end of your title. ex: bla bla bla page title bla bla bla - company name
  • use a different title tag for each page, as each page is different and stands a better chance of being found if you place an appropriate title on it
  • typically 3 to 15 words is good, with as many keywords as you can with it still sounding legible
  • use the most important keywords as early as possible in the title
  • if possible without sounding bad, see if you can creatively overlap keyword phrases
  • if you are a regional company it is a good idea to put location in your title tag
  • if you can use the same word or similar word twice and still sound good, it may be acceptable - but do not place them right next to each other
  • it is not advised to used the same word in the page title 5 or 6 times. At some point it begins to hurt your rankings.
  • most search engines support the first 60-110 characters so you can run over past the end of the users browser. keep in mind that as you add more and more words it is likely you are loosing your title focus and thus page focus (as the page title is heavily weighted)
  • I usually use shorter page title tags so the page can be focused on a single concept or a few key word phrases
  • you may want to use similar versions of the same word in the page title

Bad Page Title Examples

  • Lorus, Jouhnson & Giffer (does not describe service. if people are searching for you by name they probably already have more info and would not be searching)
  • Page Tilte Tag, Page Title, tags, page title tags in your page title (would probably be considered spam)
  • mouse (Not descriptive enough, what kind of mouse?)

Good Page Title Examples

  • NYC Headshots - Professional Digital Headshot Photography

The title tag is not actually a meta tag, but it goes in the same area of the web page as the meta tags (the page head).

Page Title Conclusions:

The page title is extremely important. All pages should have a descriptive page title which describes that page specifically. I also tend to think shorter page titles are better than longer page titles as many people try to describe their whole site on a single page. Each page title should describe the page content, not site content. The home page can be more broad since it has more inbound link power (but should still be focused).

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Filepath: http://www.search-marketing.info /meta-tags/meta-title.htm
Today is 10/21/24 . This file was last modified on 05/11/13