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ABOVE the FOLD Vol. 2 issue 8.


tool of the week *** book of the week ***what would you like ***around the web: Tons of news *** random funny


Around the Web (news): Tons of it!!!!!

100% Free SEO Software

Spotting Suspect SEO Firms

Yahoo Dumped Google for its own in house search.

Yahoo! Search is to eventually have their own paid inclusion program separate from Inktomi. PositionTech has the following warning on their Inktomi Paid Inclusion page. Yahoo reps have also been noted to say that Yahoo! Search is a different search engine than Inktomi.

Yahoo! Search has transitioned to its own search technology and is preparing to launch a new inclusion program. As a bonus for Search Submit customers, Yahoo! Search is providing a free trial of Yahoo! traffic that will end on April 15, 2004. When the new inclusion program launches, Search Submit customers will have the option of joining the new program for ongoing participation in Yahoo! Search results."

Google Countered by stating that they have added over a billion documents to their search index. http://www.seobook.com/archives/000172.shtml

Google Search Results are looking similar to pre Florida Results. (Some of my sites are.)

GoGuides creates yet another directory (by the name of web beacon.)

Google AdSense offers new Ad Layouts and supports Portuguese + Dutch

MSN is creating its own directory from scratch. Some have said they are going through the old LookSmart directory and sorting them, one category at a time.


Tool of the Week: linktree.info

Linktree.info is a free link analysis tool which helps you find topical hubs and authorities which are not yet linking to you. An amazing tool for free. I did a fairly thorough review.

Visit linktree: http://www.linktree.info
Read My Review on how to use it: http://www.seobook.com/archives/000171.shtml


Book of the Week:

Linking Matters: A real quick free read which is a no nonsense guide about how to create a linking program.


What Would You Like

This newsletter will only be good if I can offer what you are interested in. Please send your SEO questions or any ideas you have for things I should put in here.

Question 1: Do off topic links count?
Answer: YES. http://www.seobook.com/archives/000177.shtml

Question 2:

First of all, I love your newsletter (above the fold)! I want to start a newsletter for our company. Could you give me some pointers or direct me to some website for the information? I also want some info on how to name it...
Thanks a lot,


Hello Morgan
My web host offers free newsletter software stuff with it. Check your host.

There is also an extremely popular site called topica which is a third party host for newsletters http://www.topica.com/

I am planning on making my newsletter a main navigational category when I update my site template

To be a long term successful web writer you must learn how to write conversationalistic and provide what appears to be unbiased news. You also need to be original. If you focus exclusively on the sale, then it is hard to make it.

Another good way to provide the news is to be obviously biased in the wrong direction and to be humorous about it, though this method is not for everyone.
(see rageboy at http://www.rageboy.com/index.html)
recommended copywriting books: Cluetrain Manifesto, Persuasive Online Copywriting

As far as naming, you want it to be something original that is brandable.
Something that can stick out. Something that is "above the fold"

I still need to work on formatting and promotion of my list, but since it is focused on good content it will continue to grow. Here is some ideas of good branding.
I wrote my SEO Book and branded it as "The only current SEO book on the planet."
That is a powerful branding message.

Rob Frankle provides a free 1 hour branding clinic on Mondays. Some people say branding is differentiating yourself from your competition. "Big Time Branding" is defined by Rob Frankle as "Branding is not about getting your target to choose you over the competition. Branding is about getting your prospects to see you as the only solution to their problem."
I did a quick review of his book here
you can sign up for his free clinic here http://www.robfrankel.com/

those are the parts I know, but I have not actively promoted my articles or newsletter as much as I should. Here are some tips on articles and newsletter promotion and places to promote your stuff

Also here is a link to a good ezine ebook I intend to buy in the next couple weeks from Karon Thackston http://hop.clickbank.net/?awall19/sbsezine

I also have a friend that wrote a great tip list for writing subject lines that I will be including as a bonus with my ebook in the next week or two. A good subject line is important to get people to open your list. Frequently I forget to write a really strong one, but I get better open rates when I use something like "Google Update Jason, are your results scary?" than if I use "promotion tips" One of Jason's better lines that I remember was "5 Things Hackers Love About Your Website" that is powerful.

hope I helped

Random happening of the Week - please laugh.

Actually not funny, but random.

Our neighbors got broke into. I went down stairs after some knocking. The cops had my roommate outside. They threatened me saying that my roommate looked just like the guy who did it. They then later took me down to the police station saying they though I did it. They took my picture, my prints, interviewed me, searched my car, and searched my room.

They told my roommates they thought I was on drugs and they then proceeded to ask me about my heroin habit. Before searching my car they said that if they found heroin I would be going to jail. If they found a few buds of weed that would be ok. What the hell were they thinking. I made no statement that I do or have done either. Because I was wearing shorts in my house durring winter they automatically assumed I am a criminal.

I am moving to a different state this week and then going to the SES New York Conference next week. Once I get some free time I will re rank the search results for Charlestown RI Police as I feel necessary. They earned it.


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