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Web Design Resources

Web Design Tips

  • W3C - World Wide Web Consortium.
  • W3 Schools - free online web design tutorials.
  • A List Apart - web design blog with tons of useful and interesting articles.
  • Web Standards Project - the (WaSP) project fights for standards that reduce the cost and complexity of development while increasing the accessibility and long-term viability of any site published on the Web by working with browser companies, authoring tool makers, and peers to deliver the true power of standards to this medium.
  • CSS Zen Garden - site with tips about using CSS.
  • Tomalak's Realm - daily link list offering links to "strategic web design news."

Recommended Web Designers

  • Balancing Interactive - Geoff is a good friend of mine from when I lived in Rhode Island. He is exceptionally talented with all things Mac and offers web design services.
  • Complete Web Resources - Kyle Sanders' firm provides affordable, conversion-driven web design and SEO services for small and medium size businesses. Kyle is a long standing member of the SEOBook community.
  • Nitrogen Interactive - Sophie is a great designer.
  • Portland Internet Company - Justin designs quality accessible websites at affordable prices. And I keep telling him to raise his rates.
  • Skyhook Marketing - Dallin Harris is well known for Web Design Phoenix
  • Spartan Media - Jeremy Knauff's firm provides awesome, original, and affordable website design services. Highly recommended.
  • WebForce - Eaden McKee is exceptionally talented at PHP programming. He also created bBlog, runs Knoppix.net, and is also a full service web designer.

Add a Link

Many sites list sites only for link exchange purposes. Many of the sites listed here are only listed because they are industry leaders who provide a quality service. I am open to suggestions if I am missing something just let me know. I will not list garbage sites for link exchange as it degrades the level of intelligence which I perceive you, the user of my site.

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