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ABOVE the FOLD Vol. 3 issue 2.


tool of the week *** book of the week ***what would you like ***around the web: MSN Search Live *** random


Around the Web (news):


Debbie Weil offers her business blogging guide free of charge. Today is the last day to get it free.
download it quickly or miss out...

First person who emails me with "Free SEO Book" gets a copy of my ebook free of charge.

*** / end freebies ***

MSN beta is powering many of the MSN search queries.
Additionally they announced that they will make the official 100% switch on February 1st.

Search engines come together to create link nofollow tag.
This is used to help deter comment spam (though I doubt it would be effective) by preventing blog comment links from parsing link popularity.

Additionally some other sites such as the Wikipedia are already using the nofollow tag. Some creative webmasters may be using the tag for lots of other features. http://www.linkcondom.com/

ThreadWatch to have a free SEO conference at the end of May

French court rules against Google in trademark case

Yahoo! added a video search tab

Google adds video search

Google AdSense premium publishers get better targeting & gain higher clickthrough rates

Google looking to buy dark fiber

Google allows you to search sponsored ads only

AOL building bolt on search products.

Many directories have recently been removed from Google's cache. It is uncertain whether or not Google is targeting directories, but even if they are targeted by Google they still are having an exceptionally noticable effect on relevancy in Yahoo! and MSN.

Yahoo! beta releases their desktop search

Google AdWords offers free cross platform tracking from your Google AdWords account. You can track other PPC search engines, email ads, and banner ads. They are also to be offering a bid management API soon.

Dan Thies opened up an SEO coaching program

Daniel Brandt offers his Google Scrapper code free of charge

WPP to enter search marketing business

Gurunet becomes Answers.com and drops their subscription fee.

updated the following pages.....


Tool(s) of the Week / Month / Year(s):

ThreadWatch offers a free list of PPC terms and bid prices.

The Dowser
I have not used it much, but it is another keyword suggestion tool which combines some of the features of the Google Keyword Sandbox and Overture Search Term Suggestion tool.


Book & Threads & Articles of the Week:

Book of the week:

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking - Malcolm Gladwell discusses and breaks down the concept of rapid cognition and why it is often better than years of scientific data. He also reviews when rapid cognition breaks down and how it can be refined.

Excitement can cause a temporary state of autism. A lack of time and / or exepreience can also cause us to make quick, irrational, and / or biased decisions. The hardest thing to guage is the intent of another person.

Typically under normal circumstances when given enough time or experience (so as to manage our stress reaction) our immediate gut feelings are often correct.

to get a free copy of Blink be the first to send your address to my email and I will notify the winner. please make Blink the subject of the email.


Articles I wrote since last newsletter:

Determing the Value of Links from Link Renting
Article tries to help webmasters determine the value of various links.

Why many people buy shitty SEO services
please pardon the title of that article ;) it basically discusses how many website owners fail to grasp some of the economics of quality search engine optimization services.

Interview of Patrick Gavin
Patrick Gavin is a well known link broker.

Anti Corporate search engine optimization tips
make your dissent stick out :)

Other articles, books, media, etc ...

MSN Search clustering research

20 year history of usenet

Peter Novig discusses semantics

Fractal spam thread

random facts about Google

Adam Bosworth (works at Google) conversation

new deep web resource

designing a low maintenance website

content creation ideas

stopping the trend of lowering quality of referral data

Igor naming guide

Economics of open source white papers

Steve Jobs MacWorld keynote stream

Free guide to ripping and encoding music

Maximizing the spread of influence through a social network

directory development tips

free conversion tips ebook

problems with SEO friendly affiliate systems


What Would You Like

This newsletter will only be good if I can offer what you are interested in. Please send your SEO questions or any ideas you have for things I should put in here.

If you like this newsletter, site, or my other site please
consider linking :)

Random happening of the Week:

Cool new site aimed at stopping the marketing of rubbish to children

Bill Gates shows off for the camera

Ways bunny rabbits die

Are you tall?

Darth Tater

Happy Tree friends (kinda gross)

She frickin' blocked me

Brigitte Quinn of Fox News melts down when a guest questions Bush's overpriced recent party.
if you scroll down the page you will see pictures of the backup storm troopers and riot cops tear gassing the crowd


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