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ABOVE the FOLD Vol. 2 issue 2.


tool of the week *** book of the week ***what would you like ***around the web: Inktomi is Coming *** random funny


Tool of the Week: Google AdSense. Many information websites could make enough money of ads to pay all the bills of their owners.


Book of the Week: "Making the most out of your Google AdWords account" is a free report by Google on how to improve your AdWords account.



What Would You Like

This newsletter will only be good if I can offer what you are interested in. Please send your SEO questions or any ideas you have for things I should put in here.


Around the Web (news):

MSN: By the next time you read one of my evil newsletters MSN will have dumped LookSmart. MSN will have its organic search results entirely powered by Inktomi.

ADWORDS: In December Google released their report about AdWords.
In addition there are few other reports which can help you with your AdWords account. Andrew Goodman just released his 2004 eBook on AdWords.

A large portion of what success I have had thusfar comes from information I learned from his 2003 report. I am one of his affiliates, but I promote the heck out of that report because it is amazing.

In the free Google report they talk about a concept called dynamic keyword mapping which I discuss on my blog a bit. Basically using {keyword: } as the title for your creative will allow you to have the search keyword appear in the ad title without the need to make 100 different ads.

ADSENSE: I wrote a quick tip list for AdSense.
Thanks to Jason Lexell (http://www.digitalharvestmedia.com) for his help.

Rolling Updates: Google just updated the PageRank of many of my sites. I was exceptionally impressed when I saw a backlink today in which the link was created 4 days ago!


Random happening of the Week - please laugh. I have been too lazy to buy groceries this past week...eating jars of peanut butter. The girlfriend of the roommate is allergic to (and loves the flavor of) peanut butter and is not a big fan of my diet.


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