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Above The Fold!
The SEO Book

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This it the home of the archives of Above The Fold, my search engine marketing newsletter.
Above The Fold Articles
ABOVE the FOLD Vol. 2 issue 1.
tool of the week *** book of the week ***what would you like ***around the web: Inktomi is Comming *** random funny
Tool of the Week: Search Engine Results Pages...the search engines tell us exactly what they want.
Book of the Week: (Actually an article) As We May Think by Vannevar
Bush. With a new year we all have new goals on and away from the web.
Without his thinking way back then many doubt the web would be what
it is today. In the July 1945 issue of "The Atlantic Monthly"
Vannevar Bush created the concept of the memex (memory extension) and
the idea of a hyper linked society.
What Would You Like
This newsletter will only be good if I can offer what you are interested
in. Please send your SEO questions or any ideas you have for things
I should put in here.
Around the Web (news):Recently I started to create a directory of directories
to help webmasters know where to submit their sites. While the site
could use more submissions in the specific categories here you go
for submissions this category is a good spot to start:
I recently have been seeing Inktomi results on Google so a permanent Yahoo change to Inktomi may be coming sooner or later:
to optimize for both Google and Inktomi
the search results for "search engine marketing" on Google
and Inktomi
Pay Per Click Notes:
Overture will also be splitting its Content Match bidding from other pay per click bid prices later this month.
FindWhat will be using broad matching technology in about a month.
Epilot will be beta testing regional pay per click soon.
Thanks to all:
Thanks to everyone who read my eBook. I will be reformatting it, making fixes, and I will be launching it on Feb 1 for sale.
Random happening of the Week - please laugh. One of my friends knows a guy who works for Jim Henson productions. While at his New Year party this guy was doing sign language to all the songs while completely stone faced. Also a guy came over and massaged his feet. Two of us thought that was weird and one person had hands that smelled like feet.
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