"I was thinking about you all day today and what a great
person you are."
"I wanted to be #1...After 2 months I reached the top position for my most
popular keywords."

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Above The Fold Articles
ABOVE the FOLD Vol. 2 issue 25.
tool of the week *** book of the week ***what would you like ***around the web: *** random funny
Around the Web (news):
Google to list on Nasdaq...not sure when, but that is where they will
Study of traffic distribution across paid ads on the Overture &
Google AdWords network. Overture traffic seems to drop fairly steadily
as the ad position is lower. Google AdWords has a sharper drop from
1st to 2nd place, but the 4 - 6 ad area really plateau out a bit.
Effective SEO = links (especially keyword rich ones) from many different
IP ranges.
Marketing guru Seth Godin recently stated that organic SEO is crap
(or something like that).
He later took it back, but not before I wrote an article using all his
popular book titles in the text to explain how he was wrong :)
Interesting older search engine technology lectures
Tool(s) of the Week:
CopyScape - helps you find when other people copy your copyright material
for free using the Google Alert system.
Daniel Brandt's Toolbar - Give Google PR, Alexa rating, & Yahoo!
backlinks without tracking you. Daniel thinks many of the big search
engines are evil...
Shawn (from Digital Point) created a new cooperative link sharing program. The links go through an ad server on his site and appear as static text links on all the participating sites.
So far it is open to blogs and forums. It is interesting, but I still
need to clean up my site's template before I would join something like
that. I am still debating on whether or not I should, but it is nonetheless
really cool...especially for forum owners
Book of the Week: Search Engine Optimization for Dummies - Peter Kent is not primarily an SEO by trade so obviously I found some errors in his book, but it is a decent guide to some of the concepts behind SEO.
He is completely out to lunch with his concept of how important one way links are or the value of directory listings (he for some reason does not think most directories have much value & I have seen search results that prove otherwise).
Links are currently the single most important aspect to effective search engine optimization.
His book is probably at least as good as Search Engine Visibility and a bit newer. The Dummies books always have lots of bulleted points and break things down to their simplest level. If you are brand spanking new to SEO and the web it might be a good first book on SEO, but after you get his you should get my ebook too :)
What Would You Like
This newsletter will only be good if I can offer what you are interested
in. Please send your SEO questions or any ideas you have for things
I should put in here.
Random happening of the Week:
Fahrenheit 911 ended with a live version of a song I saw live just a few months back. It is a good song :)
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