"I was thinking about you all day today and what a great
person you are."
"I wanted to be #1...After 2 months I reached the top position for my most
popular keywords."

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The SEO Book

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This it the home of the archives of Above The Fold, my search engine marketing newsletter.
Above The Fold Articles
ABOVE the FOLD Vol. 2 issue 20.
tool of the week *** book of the week ***what would you like ***around the web: Spyware & Google's Secret Directory *** random funny
Around the Web (news):
Google was linking into a software programmers site (for close to a
year) who used the links to generate cash (for a couple months).
the link has already been removed.
California Senate agrees to a bill which limits the spidering ability
of Gmail
Google launches anti spyware "rules"
Yahoo! launches anti spyware toolbar
Tool of the Week: Link Proctor ($67 with a free trial available) came
out as reciprocal linking software which also is more advanced than
most PageRank software on the web. If you do not have any in depth link
analysis software this is a steal at $67.
buy it
learn more
Book of the Week: And Now A Few Words From Me - Bob Garfield (of AdAge.com)
reviews television ads and in a satirical way. His whole theme of being
relevant and not making you users guess what your point is definitely
crosses over to browsers as well.
Congrats to Joe Kowal for winning Free Prize Inside last week :) hope you like it.
What Would You Like
This newsletter will only be good if I can offer what you are interested
in. Please send your SEO questions or any ideas you have for things
I should put in here.
Random happening of the Week:
It is always a bad idea to rip off an SEO and software guru who can
outrank you for your own name.
Bad PR for intellectually challenged lawyers!!!!!!!!
The Mini is safer than an F-150?
if you like this newsletter please tell a friend to signup
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