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ABOVE the FOLD Vol. 2 issue 16.


tool of the week *** book of the week ***what would you like ***around the web: random tidbits *** random funny


Around the Web (news):

AdSense and AdWords were broken for a bit.

BlueFind is a new directory created by John Scott. Inclusion is a one time $40 fee. Their home page already has a PageRank of 8 and it will soon parse through the site. I already submitted SEO Book and would recommend most webmasters submit their sites. After I get done updating this site I will submit it too...

John Scott also recently interviewed Peter DaVanzo

My Black Hat SEO Website caught fire one day...nowhere to top 3,000 sites on the web in one day. Of course I am sure it will fade, but it was fun while it lasted.
more on this topic

Ask Jeeves profit up 74%

Google giving away 50 pound coupons for new users of UK AdWords.

Conversion study by GoToast: I find it interesting that even sites selling products which are using the advanced GoToast software still only manage a 2.26% conversion rate when the ads were described as "perfectly targeted."

I am working on creating a new site layout for Search Marketing Info. So far I have updated the directories, articles, book, & meta tags sections...still left are search engines, services, and SEO tips... This is taking me forever :( Hopefully you like the new layout :)


Tool of the Week: View new PageRank. A PageRank update recently occurred. You can tell your browser to use the Google server which first sees an update in your hostfile.

The current PageRank update first occurred on
you can add this line of code (separate the two pieces with a tab)      toolbarqueries.google.com
to this file c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts


Book of the Week: Read too much last week...still waiting on Seth Godin's newest book to come in. I like the way he writes and it comes in a cereal box. Cereal is almost as good as peanut butter or ice cream.

I just finished a box of Oatmeal Crisp Triple Berry and it is highly recommended as it is highly nummy.


What Would You Like

This newsletter will only be good if I can offer what you are interested in. Please send your SEO questions or any ideas you have for things I should put in here.

Random happening of the Week

My roommate just came back from the largest organized demonstration ever. Of course I could not even read a single article about it without seeing multiple ads by Lockheed Martin trying to play on the human emotion of fear with their terrorism crap. I think they are more evil than big drug companies. The first article I read about it.



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