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ABOVE the FOLD Vol. 2 issue 11.


tool of the week *** book of the week ***what would you like ***around the web: Tons of news *** random funny


Around the Web (news):

Yahoo introduces a hybrid Alexa like popularity rating called Webrank. Webrank takes surfer traffic input from those who have the advanced Yahoo! Companion installed. More info @
Install the new Yahoo! Companion.

Google offers AdSense channel tracking. This will allow you to track your AdSense conversion across different websites, pages, or ad layout formats. More info at

Yahoo! creates Yahoo News 2.0 (a new Yahoo! Beta News.)

Google removes its local search from labs. Its now located at
they are not yet placing ads on the local Google search product.

Google updated the Google Directory and PageRank a couple days ago...

AOL might get spun off (speculation) and AOL has warrants for shares in Google.

I feel guilty for not releasing any news about another top search engine with cool features and technology...so...
Ask Jeeves displayed a green butler on St Pattys...
Perhaps they will come up with AskRank or AuthorityRank soon...


Tool of the Week: .htaccess

.htaccess allows you to do many cool things with your website. If you are permanently moving a single page or the whole site you can do it with a 301 redirect. This type of redirect does not get penalized by search engines.

Allow server side includes without changing file paths. Many times after you build a large site (like mine) you realize how hard it is to keep it up to date and you may want to make quick changes to things like navigation. Server side includes allow you to do this. The problem with changing file paths to .shtml or .shtm is that people who link to my .htm or .html pages will now have broken links and I will lose all that link equity. Using .htaccess allows my server to parse .htm and .html as server side include files.


Book of the Week: Search Engine Advertising - book by Catherine Seda discusses most of the issues related to the paid side of search engine marketing.

She includes details from the keyword selection process right up to many of the fraud cases & legal issues facing search today. She includes more insight on controlling affiliates and using the affiliate networks to sell your stuff than any other search engine book I have read.

If you are an exceptionally small business starting a brand new campaign and know absolutely nothing about paid search I would recommend reading Andrew Goodman's book first and mastering AdWords.

If you are looking for larger media buys, a general overview of the paid search market, or will be controlling large and diverse accounts then Search Engine Advertising : Buying Your Way to the Top to Increase Sales is currently the best book on the market for you.


What Would You Like

This newsletter will only be good if I can offer what you are interested in. Please send your SEO questions or any ideas you have for things I should put in here.


Hi Aaron:
Again, great newsletter. I love it. I have a question about link exchanging. I have been reading about it and have exchanged a few links. However, I got a request for an exchange with a site in UK and we are located in the US. The dealerships that we deal with are all from either from Florida or from other parts of US. We don't have any international customers. My question is should I exchange link with this great site in UK? What are the benefits to our site and to our customers? I hope you can give me some insite into linking....

Morgan Ehsani

Hello Morgan
sorry for the delay. i was about to send this earlier in the week and my friend accidentally kicked me off line...

It is ok to link to any site that is a resource that aids your user experience, or which cross promotes you with another site in the same or a similar field. A perfect example of two seo firms doing exactly what you are talking about is possitioned1 and knobbly crab.
Just make sure you know they are not banned in any search engines and take a decent look at their site to make sure it is of good quality and then its ok to exchange.

Thank you for the answer. How do I know if a site hasn't been banned in any
search engines? Is there a way to find out?


Hello Morgan
Some search engines provide certain penalties which still allow your site to
stay in your index. Generally these penalties are rather rare. The more
common type of penalty is one that removes your site from search engine
indexes. To find out if you site is in any of the indexes you should be able
to type in your domain and get your home page. Granted this technique
assumes that you were at one point in the index.

Most sites that get removed are removed for linking into sites which are
exchanging links in a link farm style.

to check google type in www.mysite.com from google

to check yahoo type in www.mysite.com from yahoo

to check teoma type in www.mysite.com from teoma


Random happening of the Week - please laugh.

Recently while shopping I saw Cap'N Crunch Ops All Berries! at the grocery store. Make no mistake these are no mistake...these are good. I would like to think the 30 + boxes I ate about 5 years ago in their limited time trial period helped to bring them back.

Courtney Love not shy on camera.

Rumsfield shy on camera.


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