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ABOVE the FOLD Vol. 2 issue 3.


tool of the week *** book of the week ***what would you like ***around the web: Oddball AdWords Tips *** random funny


Around the Web (news):

Evil Article: Building Value on the Web

MSN: MSN has dumped LookSmart. Currently their results are powered by Inktomi.

Yahoo: Yahoo officially announced they will be shifting to Inktomi powered results Q1 2004.

AdWords Targeting: AdWords allow regional targeting. You can modify a search result to see what ads appear in different countries.

Search on Google for your term, then add &gl=countrycode to the end of the search.

  • United States = us
  • United Kingdom = uk

Some people have tried many of the country codes and found that they fall in line with the IANA country code list. (http://www.iana.org/cctld/cctld-whois.htm)

When they can not target user location, or there are insufficient ads for that location they will show the default ads not targeted to any location.

Here is an example Google search for "search marketing" which will show the UK ads.



Tool of the Week: custom 404 error pages - helps you save your traffic from the big bad MSN search monster!

Sometimes pages move and links break. When this happens you want to be exceptionally accommodating to your users. By default people find a page like this

http://www.randomdomainwithout404errorpage.com/missing page.nofun

Many websites do not even have a 404 error page. If you had seen my old 404 error page you would be disappointed in me. I have created a newer one based on this AMAZINGLY GOOD article!!!



Book of the Week: (warning: this is geek stuff) "Patterns in Unstructured Data" - Middlebury University offers an explaination to latent semantic indexing and how it integrates into large scale hypertext search engines (as well as other fun applications).


What Would You Like (random AdWords tips)

I have an AdWord word that I can not bid on because it is banned. One of my competitors is bidding on the term. I would like to know how to.

... before I even got around to seeing his question he was motivated enough to find the answer on his own, and he told me.

If Keyword A Keyword B is banned you sometimes can still place an ad up for Keyword B keyword A!

This newsletter will only be good if I can offer what you are interested in. Please send your SEO questions or any ideas you have for things I should put in here.


Random happening of the Week - please laugh. It was so terrible cold that my battery would not start my car. In addition my hood froze shut. I beat my hood open. My roommate's hood was froze shut so I still could not get a jump.


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