The SEO Book

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Where are you in the Search Engines?
There are more web documents than people walking Earth - Most of these pages will never be visited. Can people find your site?
Bad Marketing is Expensive:
No matter how much you plan an ad buy you do not know how well it will do until you test it. No matter how much market data you collect you will not know if the right people are reading it until after you run the campaign.
Good Marketing is a Cheap Investment:
Search engine marketing makes it easy to target potential prospects while they are actively engaged, looking for your products and services. Search marketing cuts the fat out of your marketing budget.
Why Search Engine Marketing is Different:
You do not search for customers. They search for you. The demand is implied based upon the prospects search query. The targeting is precise.
Is Your Competition Outranking You? Are They Taking Your Profits?
Need to improve your rankings? Here is how I can help you today:
- Free Search Engine Marketing Information: (free)
This site contains many pages of tips, hints, articles and search
engine reviews.
- Latest Breaking SEO News: (free) New SEO tricks
and current search engine news is available on the SEO
Book blog.
- #1 Ranking & Up to Date
SEO Book: ($79, free for qualifying charities and good causes.)
The official SEO
Book is current with the latest cutting edge SEO techniques used
by the pros - yet wrote in a simple enough manner that anyone can
quickly learn from it.
Update: as search kept growing more complex I stopped selling our ebook on the basis that to make it comprehensive it would require making it over 1,000 pages thick, which in turn would make it so thick almost nobody reads it.
- Professional 1 on 1 SEO Consultation:
($500/hr) I provide consultation to business owners, webmasters,
and marketing firms.
In about two hours I can teach you enough to have you quickly outrank the efforts of many "SEO firms." Since you know your business better than some random SEO does you will be able to do a better job of promoting it.
Since I am not actively seeking new full SEO service clients you do not need to worry about me giving you some evil sales pitch.
- Recommend an SEO / SEM: I can help you find someone
to help market your website. I can recommend the right help whether you need remote SEO training or full service search marketing solutions.
- Questions? Here are the site FAQs and the about me sections. Feel free to browse the site navigation or send me an email if you have any questions.
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